All Projects


This project is a clone on, it includes most of the common features of this website. This project is created using NextJs(TypeScript) React Framework with hybrid static & server rendering, TypeORM (TypeORM is an ORM that can run in NodeJS, Browser, Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic, React Native, NativeScript, Expo, and Electron platforms and can be used with TypeScript and JavaScript and MySql Database.

Completed on June 6th 2021

  • NextJs
  • TypeORM
  • MySql


This project is social media project. which is made in React(TypeScript), ExpresJs, Firestore (A Noaql Database), Firebase Serverless Functions. This project contains most of the common features of a social networking web app.

Completed on November 23rd 2021

  • React
  • ExpessJs
  • Firebase Functions
  • Firestore

Coach Finder

It's a simple app created for learning Vue basic concepts. This project is created in Vue and NodeJs. It is an example of a Complete MEVN stack project.

Completed on August 1st 2021

  • Vue
  • MongoDb
  • Express
  • NodeJs

My Certificates

This project contains all the achievements that I have acquired last year. I am using React and Firebase's real-time database for this project.

Completed on November 26th 2021

  • React
  • Firebase

Recipe Book

This project is created with Angular in the frontend, And a firebase real-time database is used. This is a simple recipe book project.

Completed on September 1st 2021

  • Anguler
  • Firebase

E Commerce for Wearables

This project is made with React in front-end, For authentication and authorization Firebase Auth (Firebase helps you build and run successful apps. Backed by Google, loved by developers. Accelerate app development with fully managed backend infrastructure. Learn more today. Cross-Platform Solutions. Accelerate Development. Boost App Engagement.), for data storage firestore is being used. Strapi is the provider for payment system.

Completed on December 24th 2020

  • ReactJs
  • Firebase
  • NodeJs

Amazon Clone App

This project made in React and Express, This app also uses a payment system. For payment stripe payment is being used. Backend is hosted on Heroku, and frontend hosted on firebase. For storing the data NoSql database is being used from firebase, This application does include authentication and other normal online shop features.

Completed on March 7th 2021

  • ReactJs
  • NodeJs
  • Stripe

Facebook messenger clone

This is facebook messanger clone made using react on frontend and apollo graphql in backend it uses query, mutation, and subscription to do massaging in real time.

Completed on May 20th 2021

  • React
  • Graphql

Code with Zahid - GatsbyJs

This is a portfolio project created with Gatsby. Gatsby is a powerful framework and Jamstack delivery platform for building amazingly fast, secure, and beautiful websites. For storage, I was using strapi (Strapi is the next-gen headless CMS, open-source, javascript, enabling content-rich experiences to be created, managed, and exposed to any digital device.) And for taking emails Form spree is being used.

Completed on January 5th 2021

  • Gatsby
  • Strapi

Blog App with NextJS

This project made in NextJs (Production grade React applications that scale. The world's leading companies use Next.js by Vercel to build static and dynamic websites and web applications.), This app is blog app, which uses mongodb as database. For authentication Next Auth is being used.

Completed on April 7th 2021

  • NextJs
  • MongoDB

Social Network App React Apollo

This project is made with APOLLO GRAPHQL (in the backend, Apollo is the industry-standard GraphQL implementation, providing the data graph layer that connects modern apps to the cloud.), and in frontend React and apollo client is used. I am using MongoDB Database for storing users, posts, and comments. This project does use real-time data update on DOM.

Completed on February 26th 2021

  • React
  • Graphql

Online Store with Express and EJS

This project was created using NodeJs for backed, For view (DOM) EJS template engine is being used for storing data MongoDB is being used. This project was created while I was learning Node. This project also includes authentication and authorization and online payments too.

Completed on January 20th 2021

  • NodeJs
  • EJS

Burger Builder with Functions

This project is a replacement for the same project i created, that "old project was made with class base components" when was learning but it uses React hooks and useState useEffect it same thing with functional components.

Completed on November 1st 2020

  • React
  • Firebase